Sell at Auction
The auction method for marketing and selling personal property is a time-proven method for maximizing the value of your property and converting it to cash. There are many reasons that make auctions an effective selling tool, here are just a few to consider:
- Auctions get immediate action for the seller, from household items to the higher end fine arts.
- A vast array of items sell great at auction: antiques, artwork, automobiles, bronze sculptures, business liquidations, coins, collections of all type, collectibles, commercial appliances, estates, fine arts, higher end items, glassware, gold, guardianships, farm machinery, furniture, jewelry, lawn equipment, petroliana, pocket knives, silver & sterling, tools, valuables, vintage toys, war time items, and much more. If it is clean, desirable, old or marketable, we can probably sell it.
- Exposure – through internet and local advertising, literally thousands of active buyers are able to view the property take part in the bidding process.
- Liquidity – auctions safely convert property into cash very quickly.
The auction method continues to be the best way to attract potential buyers from around the world. - Auctions create competition among buyers by instilling a sense of urgency and excitement, therefore heightening bidder-interest.
- Auction prices can exceed those found in closed negotiations by using an open, rapid bidding environment to achieve the highest price.
- Marketing at auction is an accelerated sales technique, with property being sold just weeks, even days, after a seller signs a contract.
- Auctions decisively bring interested buyers to a point of decision – act now or lose the chance to purchase.
- Selling at auction achieves the true market value for an item at any given time.
- Kenny Bland Auctions & Appraisals has a Masters Graduate Degree from the National Certified Appraisers Institute. Professional fee based appraisals are used for dissolutions, estates, and insurance matters.
- Kenny Bland Auctions & Appraisals has been in the auction business since 1977 and our full time auction house has been in operation the longest in a multiple county radius. Let our experience in the industry work for you, at our auction house or your place.
Real Estate at Auction:
Selling real estate at auction is a growing trend. At a time when many buyers are in a “wait-and-see” mode, real estate auctions shatter that mentality. Often the auction method of selling real estate is considered before listing the property on the market.
Real Estate at auction is offered in a “As-is, where-is” condition. This prevents buyers from negotiating complicated and costly contingencies into contracts. Every pre-qualified and motivated bidder competes with other prospective buyers to reach the highest price possible for a piece of real estate.
Selling real estate at auction means your property will be listed, marketed, sold, and reaches closing in a set period of time. Often this entire process only takes about two months. Our accelerated marketing techniques make this possible. Your property can be advertised several ways: through direct mailers, brochures, newspaper ads, online on the internet, the Multiple Listing Service (MLS), and high-visibility signage. Just having the word “AUCTION” tied to a real estate sale makes it stand out over other listed properties.
Property can be sold absolute, or with a reserve price. An absolute auction is when property is sold to the highest bidder, regardless of the price. Typically an absolute auction is the best way to sell real estate at auction and usually draws more bidders on the day of the sale. At a reserve price auction, the seller pre-confirms a price that, if reached, the property may sell. If bidding does not reach the reserve price, the seller may chose to sell anyway by confirming the highest bid at the end of the auction.
Unless an auction is advertised as “absolute”, it is considered to be a “reserve” auction. Auctions can reduce the time property sits on the market. Again, the auction method should be considered before listing the real estate on the market.
- If you are interested in listing your real estate on the market using the Multiple Listing Service (MLS), we can take care of your needs as well:
- Kenny Bland Auctions & Appraisals is a member of two local multiple listing services to list your real estate at a fixed price.
- Our affiliations and memberships give us local, regional, and national exposure which is vital in selling your real estate.
- An experienced licensed real estate broker is on staff to answer any questions you may have.
- Acreage, residential, or commercial.
- Comparable market searches can be done to see what real estate has recently sold for.
- A professional real estate appraisal can be conducted by a licensed appraiser to satisfy estate, dissolution, or personal needs.
- Let our experience in real estate help you, call our office today for a consultation.
If you want to schedule a consultation with Kenny Bland Auctions & Appraisals regarding your personal property, a fee based professional appraisal, or any real estate needs, please contact us.

Kenny Bland Auctions &
Appraisals, LLC
Dirk R. Bland, NCAI, IAA, Owner
2546 State Ferry Road, Solsberry, IN, 47459 (located just west of Bloomington near Whitehall)
812-320-0130 cell
812-876-4486 M-F